Friday, February 21, 2014

Friendly FAQ

I've been cooking for a while now, and more so than my clients, my friends are always asking me about tricks and recipes. So, I figured it may be nice for everyone, to find a companionable place to ask questions, find answers, and socialize via comments!

Today's FAQ section includes one of my favorite people: Al; Who is also my hairstylist and a vintage collector aficionado. She solves all the puzzles when it comes to my stubborn Asian hair, and I try to feed her with my culinary knowledge! Alex messaged me about some questions that I think most people could benefit from!



Why is brown better for you than white?


In terms of flour or rice?


There's brown flour?


No, there's no "brown flour." It is technically referred to as whole wheat flour. So brown and white rice is as all purpose flour is the same as WW Flour: They both come from the same grain. White rice is brown rice with the bran and germ removed; Just like All purpose flour, where the bran and germ are also removed, leaving only the endosperm still intact to produce our modern white flour. Therefore, brown rice has more nutrients and vitamins than white since the nutrients are mostly stored in the bran and germ of grains; Making brown rice the healthier choice.


So far as calorie count does one have more than the other?  And is frozen rice bad?


Brown has perhaps 10 or so more calories per cup, but also packs more of the vitamins and nutrients (having the germ and bran still intact) Thus one could argue that it aids your body in digestion of other foods, making your body more efficient;  Therefore, burning more calories! 

Frozen rice is not something I've had a lot of experience with- I've froze cooked rice and have used it for thickening soups but that's about all I would do with it. Considering freezing cooked grains would probably make it super water-logged. 


Do you use a rice cooker?


I do now, but only because my boyfriend bought me a really nice one- I went three years without one and I was fine! Rice cookers are nice however, since some of them have warming functions that keep your rice warm for days, for rice on hand all the time! Baking rice is another great option for evenly cooked rice, use boiling water plus the same amounts you would on stove top; cover (with plastic and aluminum foil) then place in oven @ 350 (depending on types of rice) for 40min-1hr or until finished. I do find my rice cooker makes my life easier, and could for you as well! Always check Costco for the best prices!

Thank you so much for reading, and please use the comment section or our email to ask your own questions in which we will answer here on the blog! Happy eating folks!

Chef Yvonne

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